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Egyptian Mau

Our egyptian mau kittens are exquisite and well socialized. We take great care in the handling of our kittens and we look after each and every one as if they are our own. We are absolutely certain you will fall in love with them all when you meet them in person so come visit us anytime during our visiting hours!


Egyptian Mau Kittens New York

Egyptian Mau kittens are extremely active, agile and playful cats that need lots of exercise. The Egyptian Mau is intelligent, loyal and affectionate and loves to spend time with their owner. Egyptian Mau kittens make good family pets and can even be trained to occasionally walk on a leash. They have quiet melodious voices and beautiful markings with distinctive darker spots that stand out from the background color. Egyptian Mau kittens come in 4 general colors of black, silver, bronze and smoke.

Egyptian mau kittens new york

Take your egyptian mau kitten home today!

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We welcome you to visit us to see our available egyptian mau kittens for sale in Westchester NewYork 7 days a week!

Monday-Saturday 11-8

Sunday 11-7

Walk in anytime during our visiting hours in New York. Egyptian mau kittens are available.*

*Our availability changes frequently. Contact us or visit us anytime during our visiting hours for the most up to date New York Egyptian mau kitten availability.

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